Use the CAN Monitor module to display the current communication on the CAN Bus, or log it to a text file using the Record function.
The Find/Filter function allows to search for specific CAN telegrams, resp. display a filtered version of the CAN bus traffic. The drop-down list in the Find/Filter contains some presets for useful filtering options. demonstrating how the filter works.
Filter Conditions
id = <MyCobID> - show only CAN frames with a specific COB ID
id != <MyCobID> - show only frames that do NOT contain this COB ID
dir = tx - show only frames transmitted by Kickdrive
index = <ObjIdx>, subindex = <ObjSubIdx> - show only CANopen frames related to a SDO with the specified ObjIdx and ObjSubIdx
data = 80* - show only frames where the CAN data starts with hex 80
Multiple Conditions
You can use more than one filter condition in one filter, e.g.
dir = tx, index = <ObjIdx>, subindex = <ObjSubIdx> - show only frames from Kickdrive that contain ObjIdx and ObjSubIdx. Only CAN frames that match ALL filter conditions (dir, index and subindex) will be displayed.
Inverting your filter
Starting your filter with the keyword exclude will hide anything that matches the filter condition, e.g.
exclude id = 581h, index=606c, index=6041 - show only SDO traffic for object 606c and 6041 for CANopen node 1
Use a # to add additional free text comments about your filter, e.g.
id != 81-ff # hide emergency msg
Auto Filter
Pressing Auto Filter will add a filter condition to suppress the CAN frame type with the most frequent appearance. Repeated use of Auto Filter is a convenient way to get an almost steady display where only rare CAN frames (e.g. control PDOs or emergencies) are shown.
Recording Monitored Frames
Use the Record button to start recording CAN frames to a text file. By default, the traced file will be stored in the projects' folder with the date-time stamp of the beginning of recording. Make sure you save the project to have the recorded file accessible in the future.
To load a recorded file, use the Open button - this will load all CAN frames from the recorded file into the CAN monitor. Optionally, use Delete All to clear the monitor before opening the file.
Notice Filtering only affects the screen display, not the actual CAN frame buffer or trace file recordings. After deactivating Find/Filter, the full CAN traffic is shown again. |
Notice The CAN Monitor display will only hold a limited amount of CAN frames in memory. Please use the Record function to record an unlimited amount of CAN frames to a standard text file (.txt). You can re-open a CAN trace file using any textual editor, or by using the Open button. This will load all frames into the monitor. |