The CAN Sender module can be used for simple CAN testing applications which require sending one or several fixed CAN frames.
It is not a full scripting engine (for that, use the Automation module) but a simple macro sequence for quick and easy testing.
Available commands
send <ID>,<dataSize>,<dataHex>
delay <milliseconds>
wait <ID>,<dataSize>,<dataHex>[,<timeoutMillisec>]
ID and dataSize format
ID and data size can be provided as hex expressions:
send 0x7e5,2,04 01
send 7e5h,0x2,04 01
dataHex format
CAN frame data format as used in the CAN Monitor module. Data bytes must be a two-digit number always, so for a zero byte use "00" and not "0".
Valid example: send 601h,8,40 41 60 00 00 00 00 00
(Invalid example, don't use: send 601h,8,40 41 60 0 0 0 0 0 )
Wait conditions
wait supports string wildcards * and ? for the <data hex> parts. An additional timeout can be specified.
wait 581h,8,4b 41 60 00 ?? ?4 *,1000
(waits for a status word where the highest four bits are "4". gives up after one second)
Extended 29 bit CAN ID support
Use the "ext" specifier before the ID value. Example:
send ext 432635,8,06 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
or with the CAN ID in HEX format:
send ext 699FBh,8,06 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
Remote Frames support
Use the "R" specifier before the ID. Example:
send R 701h,1,00
Macro support
The following macros can be used inside the send and wait commands:
calculates the expression and returns a standard CAN ID / COB ID in hex format as expected for the <ID> parameter.
canunsigned32(<expression>) or caninteger32(<expression>)
calculates the expression and returns a 4-byte CAN data block that can be used as part of the <dataHex> parameter. E.g.
send 67eh,8,23 7a 60 00 caninteger32(12345)
canunsigned16(<expression>) or caninteger16(<expression>)
as before, but 2 byte result
canunsigned8(<expression>) or caninteger8(<expression>)
as before, but 1 byte result
Macro Example:
nodeId = 1
velocity = 1000
send canid(0x600 + nodeId),8,23 ff 60 00 canunsigned32(velocity)
Endless and conditional loops
Simple endless loop:
Loop until a wait command has found the message:
wait ...
loop until found
; request status
send canid(0x600 + nodeId),8,40 41 60 00 00 00 00 00
; wait for target reached (status word upper four bits = 4)
; using 0.5 seconds timeout
wait canid(0x580 + nodeId),8,4b 41 60 00 ?? ?4 ?? ??,500
loop until found
; target has been reached. wait until drive moves again
send canid(0x600 + nodeId),8,40 41 60 00 00 00 00 00
wait canid(0x580 + nodeId),8,4b 41 60 00 ?? ?0 ?? ??,500
loop until found