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Kickdrive User Manual

Navigation: Kickdrive Modules > UI Panel

Project and UI Files / Advanced User Interfaces

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After composing your UI Panel, you can store the user interface created using the Floppy Save Project function from the Kickdrive main toolbar.

If you created your UI Panel by starting with one of the Kickdrive templates provided, the saved file is a Kickdrive Compressed Project file (.kickzip) by default.

For many advanced applications it is necessary to work directly with the uncompressed files stored inside the .kickzip file archive. For that:

Save the project using menu File > toolbar_save_as_32x32 Save As... and choose Kickdrive Uncompressed Project (.kickpro), not the default .kickzip file format.

Now you can manually edit the original .kickpro file, if necessary, using a standard text or XML editor.

The /QML2 sub-directory contains all Qt Quick / QML files that define your UI Panel application. You can use standard text editors or the Qt / Qt Quick development environment "Qt Creator" to work with these files, e.g. create modified versions with a different look or functions.




Additional developer guides about Qt Quick / QML within Kickdrive are available on request. Please contact your Application Support.

Industrial software and services from Kickdrive Software Solutions / Impressum