Below you find a list of known issues and how to resolve or work around the problem. If this is a confirmed bug, we are working on fixing it as soon as possible.
A: fullmo USB2drive currently does not support 20 kbit/s. Supported baud rates are: 50K, 125K, 250K, 500K, 1MBit.
A: fullmo Kickdrive always checks and updates the fullmo USB2drive firmware, according to the application requirements, or in case the USB2drive did not respond with the current firmware version. Two flashing red LEDs indicate that the USB2drive was switched to bootloader / firmware update mode. Please wait until the firmware update has been completed. If the update was interrupted or the USB2drive remains in bootloader mode for other reasons, please open a standard project file in fullmo Kickdrive, start communication in the CAN Interface module and wait until the update completes.
A: The automatic update and software management in fullmo Kickdrive makes sure that for every project and application a suitable USB2drive firmware is used. E.g. the ebmpapst K4 drive support requires a different firmware than the standard CAN interface operation. If you want to prevent such automatic update operations, you can use the Communication Port setting "fullmo:noupdate" in your Kickdrive project.
A: This is a problem due to the single-CAN-channel design of the USB-CAN and its firmware: When the USB-CAN's CAN transceiver enters a "bus off" state, e.g. due to mismatching baud rates, the USB-CAN stops communication on the USB side, too.
The only known solution for this is to remove the USB connection and replug it, so the USB-CAN device is completely reset. The "fullmo USB2drive" device does not show this behavior.
A: This is a problem due to the single-CAN-channel design of the USB-CAN and its firmware: When the USB-CAN's CAN transceiver enters a "bus off" state, e.g. due to mismatching baud rates, the USB-CAN stops communication on the USB side, too.
The only known solution for this is to remove the USB connection and replug it, so the USB-CAN device is completely reset. The "fullmo USB2drive" device does not show this behavior.
A: Wait and try again. Especially when connecting the fullmo USB2drive for the first time, or to a different USB port, Windows can take up to one minute until the device is fully recognized and ready to use.
A: Please check our Release Notes and make sure this is not a problem that has been fixed in a recent update. If this did not help, please contact for assistance.